Submit a Wedding Announcement – Gender Neutral Spouse 1's Name*FirstLast Spouse 1's City of Residence Spouse 1's Parent 1's NameFirstLast Spouse 1's Parent 2's NameFirstLast Spouse 1's Grandparents' First and Last Names Spouse 1's High School Year Graduated Spouse 1's College Year Graduated College Major Profession Spouse 2's Name*FirstLast Spouse 2's City of Residence Spouse 2's Parent 1's NameFirstLast Spouse 2's Parent 2's NameFirstLast Spouse 2's Grandparents' First and Last Names Spouse 2's High School Year Graduated Spouse 2's College Year Graduated College Major Profession Any Children Date of Wedding Location of the Wedding Name of Bridal Attendants Name of Groom Attendants Officiant Other Details PhotoAccepted file types: jpg, png, tiffMax. file size: 3.5 MBContact Information - Your contact information below is solely for use by our staff and will not be published. Submitter's Name*FirstLast Submitter's E-mail* Submitter's Phone* Area Code - Phone Number reCAPTCHASubmitReset