Submit Your Classified

CONTACT INFORMATION for our Classified Advertising Department
Hours of operation: Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm
Phone: 937-644-9111 ext.111
Click here to email the Classified Ad Department

Download a pdf of our 2024 Rate Card

15 word min. based on 6 days
1 Day…….50¢ per word
2 Days … 57¢ per word
3 Days … 65¢ per word
4 Days … 75¢ per word
5 Days … 85¢ per word
6 Days … 95¢ per word
Monthly Rate…… 17¢ per word 15 word min.

Classified Word Ads:
Monday – Friday run, deadline is 12 noon 2 working days prior. For a Saturday run, deadline is 9 am, Thursday prior. Payment must be received before Ad can run. A 3% convenience fee will be added to credit card payments.
All classified word ads will automatically appear on – additional $3.00, Over 6 day run – $5.00

Classified Display Ads:
Monday – Friday run, deadline is 12 Noon, 2 working days prior. For a Saturday run, deadline is 9 am, Thursday prior. Please contact our Classified Department concerning rates and options.

When placing a garage sale ad, ask to be featured on the Garage Sale Map (printed in the Tribune and featured on our website) for an additional $3.00.

Published twice a week, Tuesday (black & white) & Saturday (1 color) for a monthly fee of $65.

Please fill in the following information. You will be contacted by the next business day, if submitted after 5:00 p.m. with confirmation of the ad, and to arrange for payment. After submitting your ad, you may also contact us regarding payment and verification of receipt. All form fields are required.


Errors: The Marysville Journal-Tribune will not be responsible for errors beyond the first insertion. The classified department must be notified by 10:00 a.m. the next day of any error. Failure to do so will result in forfeit of any claim for adjustment.
 The Journal-Tribune reserves the right to refuse any ad.

Advertising layouts and copy prepared by The Marysville Journal-Tribune are the property of the newspaper and may not be reproduced in any other media without the express written consent of The Marysville Journal-Tribune.