Letter to the Editor The Daily Press welcomes readers’ forum letters, which can be mailed to Box 1371, Silver City, NM 88062, or submitted using the form below. We do not publish letters concerning commercial disputes or those containing personal attacks. Letters of a religious nature; those which could be libelous; those bearing multiple signatures; and those intended simply to say “thank you” to someone will likewise not be accepted for publication.Because of space limitations, we prefer short letters on topics of concern to Grant County residents which are less than 250 words in length. Longer submissions may be rejected or considered for publication as a guest column. This is done so that we can publish the maximum number of letters, and everyone has equal access to the letters column.Letters supporting or opposing specific candidates for office will be published as paid advertisements at the classified ad word rate. If this applies to you, a member of our staff will be in touch to arrange payment, which must be received by us before your letter will be published.Always be sure to include your daytime telephone number and mailing address so we can verify authorship. Anonymous letters are not printed, and space limitations may not allow publication of more than one letter per writer per month. As has been the newspaper’s policy for more than 20 years, only letters exclusive to the Daily Press will be accepted for publication. Name*FirstLast Address (will not be published)* Street Address City State / Province / Region Email (will not be published)* Telephone (will not be published)* Letter headline* Dear editor,* reCAPTCHASubmitReset